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MKT's ELS is the swiss army knife of the pile driving industry with the capability of running Vibros, Diesels, Augers, Hydraulic Impacts and so much more all from an excavators hydraulic circuit.
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The MKT ELS can run many different pile driving tools including but not limited to vibratory hammers, diesel hammers, hydraulic impact hammers, air hammers and augers. It allows you to utilize tools that you might already have in your fleet with only an excavator. The ELS is modeled off 8 x 27" box leads so tools from many different manufactures can fit within the system.
MKT's "stackable" ELS allows the end user to tailor the system for each and every job. Low headroom jobs? Unstack the system and use the ELS's 20' base section for the project. Long piles to drive or deep holes to drill? No problem, build up the modular lead system to accommodate those items. The height constraint is determined by the lifting capacity of the excavator and tool being used.
ENHANCED ROI - The ELS allows for utilizing a multitude of different pile driving tools all in one package.
VERSITILITY - The modular bolt together lead design allows you to vary the height of the ELS which helps accommodate most jobsites including low head applications. We have had ELS configurations as tall as 65' and as short as 20'.
SERVICABILITY - The ELS simply pins on the excavator boom and arm cylinder. No modifications are necessary so if service of the ELS or excavator is required, there is minimal down time.
DEPENDABILITY - The ELS is built in Saint Louis, MO using certified American steel and use the best components in the business including Sun, Rexroth and PullMaster just to name a few.
MANUEVERABILITY - The ELS is equipped with vertical travel cylinders that allow the system to slide up and down 8' independent of the excavator boom. It also has tilt cylinder that allow 10 degrees of tilt side to side to adjust for pile plumbness.

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